Amar dekha shera ekjon dr, rogi k procur shomoi dey, khub antorik, shobcheye boro kotha rog dhorte pare, rogi bandhob ekjon Doctor, jeta Chittagong e shocoracor dekha jaina. onar dirgayo kamona kori
A Leading Doctor information Site In Chittagong
Amar dekha shera ekjon dr, rogi k procur shomoi dey, khub antorik, shobcheye boro kotha rog dhorte pare, rogi bandhob ekjon Doctor, jeta Chittagong e shocoracor dekha jaina. onar dirgayo kamona kori
He is one of the best doctor I ever seen. Weekly one day he sat at Patenga, it was a golden chance for us to visit him. But unfortunately recently he didn’t sit. His chamber is now only EPIC Healthcara, and we suffer for this reason.