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ইন্সটিটিউট অব নিউক্লিয়ার মেডিসিন এন্ড এলাইড সায়েন্স এর টেস্ট মূল্য

Test Name Price
USG Lower Abdomen 300
USG Upper abdomen 300
USG  HBS 300
USG   Whole abdomen 450
USG   KUB 300
USG Two Systems(HBS&KUB,HBS&LA,KUB&LA etc. 400
HRUS: of pediatric Brain 400
HURS: Thyroid 300
USG: Breast/Testes/Eye(both) 400
Elastoscan: thyroid/breast/Other 1000
3-D Evaluation of fetal congenital anomaly 1000
Thyroid uptake 400
Thyroid scan 500
99m Tc-DTPA Brain scan 600
99m Tc-Liver spleen scan 1000
Kidney scan(DMSA) 800
Kidney scan(DTPA) 1000
Captopril Renogram 1500
Whole Body bone scan 1000
3 phase bone scan 1500
Bone scan(single spot) 1500
Lung scan perfusion(Planner) 1200
FT3.FT4,TSH 1200
T3,T4,TSH 1100
(T3,T4,TSH+TG)/ FT3,FT4.TSH+TG) Follow up patient together 800
TG+TSH Follow up patient 500
(FT3+TSH)/ )FT3+TSH) 800
TSH 350
PSA 600
PRL(Prolactin)/Cortisol/Progesterone/Oestrogen 500
Testosterone 600
Anti Tg Antibody (Tg Ab) 600
Local Beta Radiation 500
Post operative thyroid ablation with I-131 for Differentiated thyroid cancer (30-50 mCi) 2500
Post operative thyroid ablation with I-131 for Differentiated thyroid cancer (100 mCi) 5000
Post operative thyroid ablation with I-131 for Differentiated thyroid cancer (large dose >100 mCi) 8000
USG Guided FNAC 600
USG Guided Aspiration 800
USG Guided Ethanol Injection 600
Vascular/Peripheral Color Doppler 1000
Color Doppler (both lower limb vessels) 1200
Duplex evaluation of carotid & vertebral arteries 1000
Duplex evaluation of renal artery/ transplant kidney 1200
Duplex evaluation of cirrhosis & portal hypertension 1000
Endocavitary color Duplex(TVS/TRUS) 1200
Scrotal Duples/ Duplex varicocele evaluation 800
CT scan of Abdomen(with report) 4000
CT Scan of    U/L abdomen(with report) 2000
CT Scan of Chest (with report) 2500
CT Scan of Brain (with report) 2000
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